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The Expectations of the Dance Competition Scene...

I’m going to teach you how to not add unnecessary pressure. Competition season is the most fun time of the year. It is an opportunity for dancers to perform & to share a special weekend with their team, network with other dancers from all over the place and share the same passion. It keeps things in perspective for everyone - trends are being set & inspiration is ALIVE & well! The training & prep needs to be at 100% every class, for the entire year: being present in mind, body & soul, working toward GOALS. Dancers should write down their goals, but more importantly, they need to be working toward & meeting their personal goals every day. Dancers need ACCOUNTABILITY— for commitment, behavior, etc. In the beginning of the year, set your dancers and parents up with a code of conduct that they sign so there are no surprises! As for sportsmanship, it is crucial to be respectful to everyone in your studio, from other studios, and of the competition. NO CRYING allowed! Accept your award with grace. Don’t make a scene or carry on that you got robbed - such a bad look! Instead, use your award as an inspiration.

Dancers should sit together at awards, wearing studio sweat suits, as a team. Have high standards for your dancers - they should clap for everyone and behave onstage and backstage. Dancers won’t be peer pressured into bad behavior if you communicate ahead of time that they are being held ACCOUNTABLE! It’s important to be kind and supportive so the competition world is a nice place. It’s not all about your score! Have your dancers answer these questions: Did you do a challenging routine? Did you grow as a dancer? Did you have fun? Prepare your parents to participate- clapping & supporting the dancers while they perform. The audience gives the dancers energy! Most importantly... have fun!

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